So one of my biggest headaches and worries when switching from my WordPress blog to my SharePoint Foundation blog was how I was going to moderate comments and sort through/avoid spam. Due to the fact that it is a hosted site, I don’t have access to deploy anything but SharePoint Sandbox Solutions. As far as I’ve been able to find, this ruled out CAPTCHA for comments. I also couldn’t implement any time of claim authentication using Live ID or anything.

For the last few weeks I’ve just left it open for anonymous comments with a couple required fields and an approval workflow. This eliminates spam comments from being posted without my knowledge, but requires me to sort through all the comments and approve/reject comments. Nothing like the spam filter plugins you can get for WordPress.

Then, the other day, I ran across this post from Joel Oleson on how you can utilize Facebook for your blog comments. So, I figured I would give it a try. Obviously spam can still get posted by “fake” Facebook accounts, and my approval workflow is no more, but I figured it was worth a shot. So, let me know what you think, do you like it? Hate it? Or have any opinions? We’ll give it a shot and if it goes well I’ll keep it around.