I’m kind of behind in my whole Happy New Years and Merry Christmas post so here it is…Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years!!  My holiday’s have been wonderful.  I spent some time up in MI with my family.  From there some time out to CO to spend Christmas will by girlfriends extended family and then back home to FL.  For New Years my girlfriend and I had some friends over that were in town for a couple of weeks.  We had a good time just hanging out and playing the Wii :).  To ring in the New Years I attended the annual New Years Day party at my girlfriend’s parent’s house and I’m off to play TPC at Sawgrass on Friday.  So far 2009 has been going well.

I’m also looking forward to another year of SharePoint fun, hopefully getting to start with the beta of the next version of SharePoint as well is give Windows 7 a try (the beta comes out on Jan. 13).  I’ll also be presenting for at least on SharePoint conference this year, SharePoint TechCon 2009 in San Francisco.  I’ll have a post in the next couple of days with more details on the conference.